New to Beneficent Church?

There’s a Place
for You Here

Beneficent Church is a community that you don’t expect to find in church. Our members include everyone from agnostics to retired clergy, queer and straight and trans, and all colors of the rainbow. And there’s a place for you, too.

We Believe

Love Wins

Black Lives Matter

Queer Fits

Truth is Truth

There’s Always Room for More

Worship With Us

Worship: Sunday at 10am

Holy Communion: first Sunday of each month

More About Our Services

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There’s a Place for You Here

Welcome to Beneficent Congregational Church!

One of the oldest churches in Providence, the birthplace of the Providence chapter of the NAACP, located on the route for Rhode Island’s annual Pride Parade, nearly 300 years at the forefront of social justice movements – Beneficent Church is all this and more.

Whether you’re a lifelong churchgoer or not sure what God is calling you to, we’re here with you.

We are a community that is multi-racial, queer-friendly, and spans the range of Christian believers.

We worship as a body, and we act for the body – serving those inside and outside our doors through justice advocacy and social activism.

We are citizens of Providence…Rhode Island…the world.

We are you.

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