Starting April 1, Beneficent Church kicks off our annual Generosity Campaign! This annual drive is an opportunity to think about how you can share your time, talents, and treasure in support of Beneficent’s ministries and presence in the community.

This year’s theme is “If not now, when?”; you should receive a letter this week from Matt Hird, a representative of the Generosity Committee, introducing you to the theme and inviting you to join in this church-wide effort.

Throughout the month of April, there will be mission moments during each Sunday worship service so you can learn about how this theme has come alive for members of the Beneficent community. We hope you will consider carefully and prayerfully how you can share your own God-inspired gifts to build the ministries of Beneficent Church. Thank you in advance!

How to pledge:

  • Set up your gift right now! Login to your Realm account, select “Giving,” and press “Pledge.” Or if you haven’t set up access to your account, visit and schedule your recurring gift using a credit card or bank account.
  • If you use automatic bill-pay, contact your bank to set up a regular schedule for mailing your pledge directly to Beneficent Church.
  • You also can make your pledge the old-fashioned way by sending a check in the mail, or by dropping your check or cash in the collection plate each week.


Whether you schedule your pledges online or plan to drop money in the collection plate each week, please complete both a financial pledge form and a time-and-talent pledge form so we can record your generosity:

To download a fillable PDF of the financial pledge form, visit:

To download a fillable PDF of the time-and-talent pledge form, visit:

Note that if we don’t receive a pledge form from you, we can’t record your gift as a pledge.